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On this page you may pay for your Gold Leaf or Gold Stone.
If you are purchasing a GOLD LEAF:
Online through PayPal: Click the PayPal icon, enter the amount of $75.00, and follow the prompts to complete the sale. Be sure to add ‘Gold Leaf’ in the message box.
Check or money order: Send a check for $75.00 to Temple Emanu-El, 188 N. Park Ave, Dothan, AL, 36303. Be sure to add ‘Gold Leaf’ on the memo line.
If you are purchasing a GOLD STONE:
Online through PayPal: Click the PayPal icon, enter the amount of $250.00, and follow the prompts to complete the sale. Be sure to add ‘Gold Stone’ in the message box.
Check or money order: Send a check for $250.00 to Temple Emanu-El, 188 N. Park Ave, Dothan, AL, 36303. Be sure to add ‘Gold Stone’ on the memo line.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Temple office.